After a complete cancellation, your service is terminated, all future payments are cancelled and your data is deleted.
Once you cancel your domain, it is released and no longer managed by Svenska Domäner. The domain is then back on the market for anyone to purchase through a number of different registrars including Svenska Domäner.
Cancellation i.e. permanently closing subscriptions of domains and service, can be done at different points, at due date or immediately.
If we receive a cancellation at due date, the domain or service will simply not be renewed and any upcoming invoices will be cancelled. During the period between a cancellation request and the due date, the subscription will be in the state Pending Cancellation, which can be revoked free of charge.
The domain will continue working as before until its due date when:
The service will continue working as before until its due date when:
If we receive a request for an immediate cancellation in due time, your domain/service will be inactivated immediately and can be redeemed up till 3 months later for domain and 30 days for service.
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