SOGo is our business webmail service, it offers shared calendars, address books, and emails for your team through your favorite web browser or mail client.
In this article, we will provide a simple guide to creating and managing a shared mailbox in SOGo.
Many workplaces require their team to have access to multiple mailboxes or have access to a common mailbox. Shared mailboxes are standard mailboxes that are generally used as a contact point for enquires, projects or programs. For example, it may be the publicly listed contact for a workplace.
Users who access the shared mailbox do so by using access permissions. You need to have its login credentials in order to access it. In most cases, they are provided by your worlplaces system administrator or by a person who is responsible for creating mail accounts.
Note: External IMAP accounts (e.g. Gmail, Outlook) are not supported. You can ONLY add IMAP accounts hosted at Svenska Domaner.
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