What is my contact address used for?

The email address registered to your account, your contact email address - is the one you used to create your customer account with us. Use an active email address that you check continuously so that you don't miss notices and payments. It also ensures full control over cancellations and transfers. If you are unsure which email address you registered you can see it under Profile in your Customer Account.

Make sure to update the email address if it is one you do not have access to or do not use it on a regular basis.

Used to validate ownership of a domain or service

To be able to e.g. cancel or transfer, you need to have access to the email address registered on the account. Log-in to your customer account / My Pages is not enough since this may need to be shared with your web developers or co-workers. When requesting these types of definitive changes we send verification emails or transfer codes to this email address. This is a safety measure to make sure only you, the owner of the service/domain can cancel or move it.

Used for important notices

This email address is also used for important notices regarding payments, renewals, expiration and any issues detected with your domain or service.

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